Advanced User Package

Establish hierarchy in your organization to be able to escalate Tasks to an assignee's manager, delegate work to another user, and schedule working hours for each user.


Use the Advanced User package to establish managerial and work-delegation relationships within your organization by configuring managers to users and groups. Set working schedules for each user, and configure to whom to delegate work when that user is out of the office or outside of scheduled working hours.

The Advanced User package has the following features:

  • Configure the manager for each manager and for each group. Form Task elements and Manual Task elements within Process models can then be configured to escalate to the manager for that Task assignee. For example, design a Process such that if the Task assignee does not complete a Task within a day of it being assigned, route that Process to the Task assignee's manager.

  • Use the Schedule status for each user to set the schedule for each user to be available to work on Tasks. In doing so, set which days of the week and hours of those days in 24-hour format each user is available. The Schedule status becomes that user's status when viewing users in the organization.

  • Use the Out of Office status for when a user is not available for work, such as when that user takes leave. The Out of Office status becomes that user's status when viewing users in the organization.

  • Configure for each user to whom to delegate work when that user is not available in the following circumstances:

    • That user has the Out of Office status: Newly assigned Tasks automatically reassign to the delegated user.

    • That user has the Scheduled status: Newly assigned Tasks automatically reassign to the delegated user when the initial Task assignee is not scheduled to work.

  • Select a Process Manager for each Process. The Process Manager understands the Process design and workflow dynamics to troubleshoot Request routing incidents. This user is assigned Tasks in that Process's Requests in which workflow would otherwise pause indefinitely when that Request's workflow cannot continue to a valid Task assignee for any of the following reasons:

    • The Request routes to a Task assignee whose user account is inactive.

    • The Request routes to the Task assignee's manager, but that user's account is not configured with a manager.

    • The Task assignee does not have a user account manager, and is a member of two or more groups which have different managers.

    • The Request routes to a Task assignee in which that user's account is set with the following statuses:

      • The user's account is set to Out of Office status, but not configured with a delegated user to assign new Tasks while with this status.

      • The user's account is set to Scheduled status, is not scheduled to work when the Task is assigned, and is not configured with a delegated user to assign new Tasks.

    The Process Manager is assigned the Task in that Request, and may then indicate how to route that Request. The Process Manager may optionally cancel that Request if that user is among those selected to do so.

  • Assign a Task to the Process Manager when configuring Form Task elements and Manual Task elements.

  • Configure Form Task elements and Manual Task elements to escalate a Task to the Task assignee's manager.

  • Configure Form Task elements and Manual Task elements to allow a Task assignee to escalate the current Task to her or his manager.

  • Enable User Signals to broadcast Signals for specific user events. When a user account is created, deleted, read, and/or updated, optionally broadcast a Signal of that event. Signal-type BPMN 2.0 elements listening for Signal events in your Process models can then trigger. For example, each time a user account is created, enable the Create user Signal to trigger a Signal Start Event element in a Process model that starts a Request to onboard a new employee in your organization.

  • Add user extended properties to become settings in all user accounts. For example, to add user extended properties labeled "Employee ID" and "Hire Date" to enter each employee's ID number and hire date.

See the following topics regarding how to use the Advanced User package:

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